Assam has been reeling under devastating floods with 4941 villages of 32 districts now inundated by floodwaters. Additionally, landslides have been reported in Dima-Hasao, Goalpara, Morigaon, Kamrup & Kamrup (M) in the last few days making the situation even more catastrophic. 126 people have lost their lives and the death toll is constantly rising. 55 lakhs have been displaced and more than 10000 hectares of cultivated land has been submerged under floodwaters. About 200 houses have been destroyed in the state as well.
In the Rapid Needs Assessment undertaken by the HelpAge India team in consultation with the Community Based Organisations and affected community, the immediate survival requirements have been identified as healthcare, food and essential commodities, temporary shelters and hygiene materials, etc.
Helpage India is providing essential health services in the affected villages as well as relief camps, especially for elderly with Noncommunicable Diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, who are unable to get medical services. For epidemic prevention our teams are also distributing bleaching powder and disinfectants. We are also reaching several inaccessible areas by boat.
HelpAge India is on the ground providing relief packages to the flood affected. The following are the Food & Hygiene Package and the Essential Items for Family (Non-Food) Package:
Elder Helpline, An initiative by HelpAge India
HelpAge runs a Toll-free Elder Helpline across 21 state capitals in India
“It’s a new birth, it’s a new life. I am not an ordinary man anymore. I feel very happy now”