SAVE – Student Action for Value Education

SAVE is the School Action for Value Education program, with three core tenets:Inculcating values of care & respect for the elderly in school going children, preparing today’s children & youth for their old age and creating an age friendly society.

Talks on Value education are given during school assemblies and various activities and campaigns are created to encourage students to understand elder view points and life after 60.

Many adults today have fond memories of having participated in this school program as children and doing their bit for society.

The school value education program is now carried forward to the young college going and working adult through the HUG program, HUG stands for Help Unite Generations, aiming to creating empathy among young adults towards the older generation.


  • To honour everyday, those who are aged
  • To express in words, actions and deeds, our gratitude towards our elders our parents & grandparents
  • To do my duty for those who fulfilled theirs,
  • To love, respect and care for the elderly in my family and community.