Welfare & Development Programs

HelpAge India is a leading charitable organization working with and for older people in India for more than 40 years. It runs Agecare, healthcare and livelihood programs and provides senior care services throughout the country & advocates strongly for the cause of elders and fights for their rights. It aims to serve elder needs in a holistic manner, enabling them to live active, dignified and healthier lives.

It provides elders relief through various interventions such as – it runs one of the largest mobile healthcare programs through its Mobile Healthcare Units spanning the country providing free healthcare services to destitute elders and serves care for old people, it helps elders become self-reliant and independent through the formation of Elder-Self-Help Groups providing them livelihood opportunities and links them with Government schemes, conducts cataract surgeries to restore their sight, looks after their basic needs through its Support-a-Gran program, runs Elder Helplines across the country, empowers elders through its Digital literacy program, provides relief & rehabilitation for elders post disasters and provides active ageing opportunities and ensure caring for elderly. It works hand-in-hand with Senior Citizens Associations understanding elder needs working with and for them.

Currently, there are an estimated 138 million elderly in India. 90% belong to the unorganized sector. Majority have to work in order to survive. HelpAge advocates for their needs such as for Universal pension, quality healthcare, action against Elder Abuse and much more at a national, state and societal level with Central and State governments. It advocates for elder friendly policies and their implementation thereof.

It works hand-in-hand with Senior Citizens Associations understanding elder needs working with and for them.
