
As an individual

You may donate to out cause of serving the needy elderly by selecting a Program of your choice and supporting as many elders as you wish. You may also make a donation to HelpAge India to help it in carrying out its Program and Advocacy work.

As an Institution

Helpge India actively seeks to partner with organisations, charities, trusts, and institutions to bring in the specialised expertise and powerful grants/endowments to the aid of the needy elderly. A number of national and international donor agencies and trusts have been long time partners of HelpAge India.

As a Corporate

HelpAge India runs a diverse range of programmes that enables Corporate houses to sponsor them as part of their CSR. Many renowned names from the private and public sectors have been consistent supporters of these programmes. Flagship programmes such as the Mobile Medical Units can be tailored to match the needs of individual CSR projects. One of HelpAge India’s hallmarks is the complete transparency in financial documentation and systematic updates on the achievements of these programmes.

Please go to the Programs menu on the website to choose the activity which appears perfect for the needs of your CSR.
