Yearly Archives: 2016

Agony of aged a personification of our depleting value system

Agony of Aged

by December 16, 2016 1 comments Sponsor

A Personification of Our Depleting Value System Mallamma, 102 years, supported by son Siddaiah, 75 years at Kunthur Village, Mysore, Karnataka (in the picture). This is a rare and heart-rending example where an elderly son is taking care of his aged parent within his most modest means and ability. However, this is…Read More

HUG – Help Unite Generations campaign

HelpAge highlights the importance of the HUG (Help Unite Generations) campaign on International Day of Older Persons

by May 31, 2016 0 comments Our Supporters

Marking ‘International Day of Older Persons’ this year, HelpAge India pushed forth the importance of inter-generational bonding through its HUG – Help Unite Generations campaign. Emphasizing the need for love, care, respect and friendship between both the young and old, it marked the day across India. In the…Read More
